Public Meetings

In addition to being available on CDFA’s website, presentations for recent public meetings are available on Presentations include information the pest and disease, upcoming activities of CDFA agricultural officials in specific communities and regulations in place to limit the spread of the psyllid and HLB.


Reliable Resources

The Citrus Pest & Disease Prevention Program partners with homeowners, citrus farmers, agriculture officials, researchers and other experts throughout the state to protect California citrus. More information on Huanglongbing prevention and Asian citrus psyllid management can be found at these reliable sources:

Citrus Lime


Local Agricultural Officials

Each county in California has a department of agriculture with staff who are knowledgeable about citrus pest and disease issues, and can point you to local resources for treatment and tree removal. View this PDF for your county office’s contact information: PDF of county agricultural commissioners

Informational Materials

The Citrus Pest & Disease Prevention Program has developed many informational materials to educate California residents, citrus tree owners and others about this issue. To request a free supply of these materials, please fill out the order form.